The Cobweb (Malkavian)
The Circulatory System
Convention of Thorns
The First Inquisition
High Clan
Low Clan
Scion of Lucretia
Sect War Veteran
The Society of Heralds
The Trinity
The Week of Nightmares
Eagle Creek Park
Grissom AFB
Hannah House
Indianapolis Museum of Art – Newfields
Lost Secrets of the Indianapolis Chantry
Ritz Charles
The Indianapolis “Null Zone”
The Old Warrens
The Slippery Noodle Inn
The Whispered Vanguard (Special Coterie – 4 Characters Only – 1 each Gangrel, Malkavian, Toreador, & Ventrue)
Ulrich Chemical
Occult Artifacts (Banu Haqim, Hecata, Lasombra, & Tremere Only)
The Anubi
Lupine Expert
Descendant Loresheets are treated as Bloodlines.
Descendant of Hardestadt (Ventrue)
Descendant of Helena (Toreador)
Descendant of Karl Schrekt (Tremere)
Descendant of Montano (Lasombra)
Descendant of Zao-Xue (Salubri)
Descendant of Zelios (Nosferatu)
Descendant of Chang Wufei (Banu Haqim)
Descendant of Steffano Lucchese (Brujah)
Descendant of Ivan Menshunter (Gangrel)
Descendant of Antonio DeMarko Giovanni Cappadocia (Hecata)
Descendant of Rhakan De Lorenza (Lasombra)
Descendant of The Preacher (Malkavian)
Descendant of Lucky Luciano (Nosferatu)
Descendant of Johnny Pharaoh (The Ministry)
Descendant of Gaius Lucretious (Tremere)
Descendant of Daryl Van Horne (Toreador)
Descendant of Smitty (Tzimisce)
Descendant of Alayna Kenber (Ventrue)