With a gaming journey spanning over three decades, Victor’s passion has encompassed LARP, TTRPGs, computer games, console adventures, and card games. He’s navigated realms from classic Battletech to Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Boffer games and historical reenactments like SCA also captivate him, while the world of board games, especially RISK, holds a special place.
Beyond gaming, Victor finds joy in Disc Golf and hands-on creativity, mastering woodworking, leather craft, chain mail, drawing, and painting. He’s an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, occasionally delving into spy thrillers.
LARPing, particularly within the World of Darkness, resonates as his paramount passion. Over the years, it’s intertwined him with lifelong friends, all bound by shared decades-spanning experiences. For Victor, LARPing is a social nexus, and he’s now dedicated to giving back to this community that’s shaped his journey, aiming to enrich others’ adventures and contribute meaningfully to the gaming realm.
The Board of After Twilight Productions consists of the following persons:
John Givens – Director of IT and Chairman of the Board
Vacant – Director of Marketing
Brooke Warren – Treasurer
Tam Bicknell – Secretary
Victor Phillips – Ombudsman